I'm just calculating some statistics for my local urban area (Northeast
Birmingham). The area I've selected I know is 100% complete in terms of the
road network because all of it has been systematically mapped by yours
truly. I know the boundaries of the area and am about to pull the highway
ways from xapi (ignoring footways, cycleways and tracks) so that I can get a
metric of the length of highway vs the population and other statistics. I'll
trim highways that leave the area in JOSM before I do this.

The population of the area is just over 250,000 (2.39 persons per household)
and based on the 2001 census, specifically the population and other data
from 10 parliamentary wards. The population will have changed a bit since
2001, as have the ward boundaries, but then again also some roads will also
have been built in that time and I may have a few roads missing here and
there. Overall I think assuming a 100% complete road network against this
population should I think give quite a reliable measure for an urban area.
The area includes both purely residential, some near conurbation rural and
industrial areas, so it should be reasonably representative of other urban
conurbation areas of the UK.

Can someone point me to some simple code/ideas on how to turn the xml osm
data into way length? I'll then be able to report some findings. I'll also
write up how I gathered the information needed so that other areas can be



>-----Original Message-----
>From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:talk-
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Frederik Ramm
>Sent: 30 April 2008 12:45 AM
>To: talk@openstreetmap.org
>Subject: [OSM-talk] OSM in Europe Statistics
>   a very crude statistic:
>Country       osm.bz2 size    population    ratio (bytes per capita)
>UK                73M            60M                1.2
>Germany          110M            82M                1.3
>Netherlands       51M            16M                3.2
>France            29M            60M                0.5
>Finland           20M             5M                4.0
>Italy             14M            58M                0.2
>Norway            21M             5M                4.2
>Sweden            24M             9M                2.6
>Spain             17M            40M                0.4
>I suspect that disregarding the coastline (which is included in my
>figures) would probably cost the Scandinavian countries a few ranks in
>this league. Coastline factor doesn't affect larger countries that much
>(but still strange that Italy should have so little - must investigate
>quality of border polygon).
>It is probably not unreasonable that once the road network is complete
>in a European country, we'll look at a ratio not unlike the NL figure.
>This would suggest that both the UK and Germany are about 1/3 there.
>Of course this is very simplistic and I believe you will come up with
>much better measures of progress. Let's hear your numbers ;-)
>(Among other things, NL is known as a very densely populated place - UK
>has 9 times the area of NL but only 3 times the population -, so those
>map features that tend to fill the available land even if sparsely
>populated will mean that the "destination bytes per capita" ratio for
>places like UK or DE will be higher than 3.)
>Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"
>talk mailing list

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