On Sun, Nov 9, 2008 at 12:32 PM, Gerald A <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sun, Nov 9, 2008 at 5:24 AM, Dave Stubbs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>> Because it would break every existing gate out there
>> relying on a "legacy" renderer.
> Leaving aside the question of the gate tags completely, I want to address
> this bit of your points.
> I hear lots about not tagging for display or the renders. I know it happens,
> such is life. But it's not a compelling argument to keep the status quo, and
> shouldn't be mentioned as such -- or else we should just use Google maps,
> because they are better/more complete/all that nonsense.

That's not "tagging for the renderer". When people talk about "tagging
for the renderer" they're talking about tagging something
*incorrectly* to make it show up on a renderer. So for example,
tagging a fence as a powerline because the renderer displays
powerlines as thin black lines.

Where the renderer is expecting one tag for gates, and people are
using another, then that's just a tagging disagreement.

> Renderers should be following the project. If the community decides one tag
> over the other, or both, or even neither, the renders will catch up
> eventually. Or we should allow tagging for renderers, which I would be
> against. The discussions about tags should focus on the merits of the data,
> not outside factors.

Sure, theoretically that would be nice.
But from a practical point of view you've broken things. In isolation
changing one tag doesn't seem so bad, but if we start making a habit
out of this then there won't be a renderer around displaying any data.

It's nice to say that the renderer should follow the community, but
this does presume the community is moving in one direction. It's also
fairly presumptuous that the renderer author has the time or
inclination to code, test and deploy, every single community outburst
on a particular issue.

So frankly renderers can show whatever they like. They don't really
have any choice but to follow the tagging conventions being used if
they want the best data displayed. But there's no good reason they
can't influence the tagging schemes we use, or that we shouldn't take
them into account when suggesting wholesale tag changes.


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