On Sun, Nov 9, 2008 at 10:40 AM, Dave Stubbs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> It's nice to say that the renderer should follow the community, but
> this does presume the community is moving in one direction. It's also
> fairly presumptuous that the renderer author has the time or
> inclination to code, test and deploy, every single community outburst
> on a particular issue.

I don't think they should follow every outburst, or even several outbursts.

They should follow the tags eventually, though. And whether the tags get
added by community discussion or people adding things to the database
because they like to, if enough people (or tags) get added over a long
enough period of time, then eventually they'll get rendered.

 So frankly renderers can show whatever they like. They don't really
> have any choice but to follow the tagging conventions being used if
> they want the best data displayed. But there's no good reason they
> can't influence the tagging schemes we use, or that we shouldn't take
> them into account when suggesting wholesale tag changes.

Well, this is a bit of chicken and egg, though. Once a tag has any traction,
proponents can argue that a new tag will "break renderers", just by virtue
of being first, rather then addressing the merits (or lack thereof) of the
tag itself.

Anyways, it seems that this particular tag (in some renderers) is moot, as
both the new tag and the old tag are already being rendered. But my original
point was that discussions about tags should focus on how they impact the
data, not on how they impact the renderers, which we have no control over.

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