Stephen Hope schrieb:
> It's not hard to test.  When I was unsure if my device was doing this
> or not, I set it to snap to road, and then took it for a little walk
> along the edge and then cut some corners in a park, then looked at the
> tracks.  For my specific device (not a Zumo), I discovered that the on
> screen and main track log snapped to the roads, but I could also turn
> on a background data saving log that saved the raw data, which was
> quite usable.
> Stephen
> 2009/1/6 D Tucny <>:
>> I think ULFL's point was that with his Zumo there isn't such a configuration
>> option, so while it does save track logs, he's not confident that they are
>> acceptable due to the potential that it is just snapping to road and as
>> such, copying the copywrited built in maps rather than saving tracks based
>> on the GPS recorded position... A nuvi could have this problem too if this
>> is not configurable...

Well, the zumo 550 (which is very certainly a somewhat roughetized nuvi) 
has no "snap to road" setting (it has not a lot of options in that 
regard at all).

I did made experiments with the track log. Some of the tracks did 
*suspiciously* looked like a snap to road while others did not. So if 
its useable for OSM or not - I don't know and care (I'm still using my 
WBT201 for tracking which has no maps :-).

@Stephen: Instead of "For my specific device (not a Zumo)" it might be a 
lot more helpful if you would tell us what your "specific device" really is!

Regards, ULFL

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