Paul Johnson schrieb:
> Shaun McDonald wrote:
>> On 10 Jun 2009, at 03:25, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
>>> 2009/6/9 Paul Johnson <>:
>>>> I'm curious if bicycle boulevards would qualify as living streets, given
>>>> that a living street would most closely describe a bicycle boulevard in
>>>> OSM terms, though a bicycle boulevard might lack pedestrian facilities.
>>>>  Frequently, these are not streets you would want to let the kids play
>>>> in, as the volume of fast-moving, near-silent vehicles would present a
>>>> very real collision hazard at peak traffic times.  This kind of way has
>>>> sprung up only in the last 10 years or so, and almost all of them were
>>>> formerly highway=residential prior to becoming bicycle boulevards.
>>> I would still like to see the cycleroad-proposal become reality,
>>> because these kind of streets IMHO merit their own class.
>> In my eyes, that road would be simply tagged with highway=cycleway.
> Do cycleways normally allow motorized vehicles?  Bicycle boulevards do
> (even if they do make using one an exceptional pain).
if motorized vehicles are allowed is country-specific. In germany e.g. 
cycleways are _only_ for bicycles (not even for pedestrians). Otherwise 
it's allowed by additional signs.

In Germany "cycletreets" are normally in residential areas. They have 
often sidewalks. And sometimes motorized vehicles are allowed thru 
additional signs.

so my solution for a standard cyclestreet (e.g. for germany) is:

highway=cycleway (because the use of the decking is as a cycleway <- 
designated for. but highway=residential could  be possible to.)
cycleway=cyclestreet ( to differ between lane/track/street)
footway=both (without that e.g. in germany pedestrian would be not 
allowed. but with footway=* is signalized that there is a lane/way 
designated for pedestrians)
motor_vehicle = yes (by default of a cycleway e.g. in germany they are 
not allowed)


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