Heiko Jacobs schrieb:
> Hello
> For some sorts of cycleroads you may look at my images at
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/DE:Bycicle/overview_ways#Fahrradstra.C3.9Fe
> first image:
> cycleroad, no separate tracks fpr pedestrians, motor_vehicle=yes
> second image:
> the same with separate tracks for pedestrians, former residential
> third image:
> the same street, but now motor_vehicles=no!

> all examples are tagged as highway=cycleway up to now, but that's looks
> not very fine, especially at Mapnik...
> Because it's not only a way (small), but a complete road (esp. im. 2 and 3)
> So tuning the Osmarender style files I also supported rendering
> of cycleroads some months ago:
> For "pedestrian designation" we have this order inside OSM:
> 1. highway=residential
>    no special designation for pedestrian, they have to use tracks/lanes
>    at the sides or, if not there, the roadway(? Fahrbahn in deutsch)
>    and have to obey the vehicles
> Osmarender renders as: white solid core, wide, grey solid casing
> 2. higway=living_street
>    designated for pedestrian, but vehicles are allowed with
>    "pedestrian speed"
> Osmarender renders as: white-pink (foot color) dashed, wide, grey solid cas.
> 3. highway=pedestrian
>    designeted for pedestrian, vehicles only for delivery at some times,
>    sometimes bicycle=yes, typically former complete roads, redisgnated
> Osmarender renders as: "foot color" solid core, wide, grey solid casing
> 4. highway=footway
>    designated for pedestrian, vehicles normally only for service
>    (street cleaning...)
> Osmarender renders as: "foot color" solid core, small, grey dashed casing
> 5. highway=path
>    ...
> Osmarender renders as: "grey core, small, grey dashed casing
> This schema I adapted for bicycles inside Osmarender rules:
> 1. highway=residential
>    no special designation for bicycles, they have to use designated
>    tracks/lanes at the sides or, if not there, the roadway(? Fahrbahn
>    in deutsch)
> Osmarender renders as: white solid core, wide, grey solid casing
> 2. higway=cycleroad motor_vehicles|motorcar=yes
>    designated for bicycles, but motor vehicles are allowed with
>    "bicycle speed"
> Osmarender renders as: "bicycle color" dashed, wide, grey solid cas.
> 3. highway=cycleroad  (other cases than m...=yes)
>    designeted for bicycles, normally not for motor vehicles
>    (besides service?), typically former complete roads, redisgnated
> Osmarender renders as: "bicycle color" solid core, wide, grey solid casing
> 4. highway=cycleway
>    designated for bicycle, motor vehicles normally only for service
>    (street cleaning...)
> Osmarender renders as: "bicycle color" solid core, small, grey dashed casing
> 5. highway=path
>    ...
> Osmarender renders as: "grey core, small, grey dashed casing
> So Osmarender is prepared to render cycleroad.
> I just don't have a testing environment for Mapnik, so I yet couldn't
> prepare rendering of cycleroads in Mapnik...
> Because of different styles (cycleway/footway as dashed line instead
> of core/casing, living_street uses a strange style not suitable for
> this type of road, access-rendering uses styles that Osmarender uses
> similar for living_streets) it might be a problem to find proper
> solutions for rendering 1. to 5. for foot and bicycle more pleasant
> highway=cycleroad is the tagging most suitable to the existing
> tagging scheme ath this end of highways (residential-living_street-
> pedestrian-footway-path) so I vote for this.
> cycleway is not suitable to the appearance of most cycleroads in real live
> residential is not suitable to the designation of cycleroads (and
> living_street and pedestrian as also often former roads)
>            MfG       Heiko Jacobs   Z!                   IRCnet Mueck
If the renderer would use cycleway=street, it would be the same result 
in the maps ;)


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