On Thu, Jul 23, 2009 at 4:58 AM, Stefan Baebler<stefan.baeb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Are there any further plans to translate the maps based on wikipedia data?
> Would that various names be better imported into main OSM db or just
> into the DB for rendering?
> Will this translation be done based only on language links in existing
> articles or also based on lists of exonyms [1], which would cover also
> places without wikipedia articles?

I hadn't planned on doing any sort of automagic OSM <-> Wikipedia
integration for getting i18n names, no.

But if you're interested in working on it that's great. It's just a
regular open source project a few of us are working on as hobby, so
any current plans are just the union of the ideas people are currently
interested in working on.

But personally I'd like to do as little munging (preferably none at
all) of OSM data as possible. If someone wants to alter the OSM data
in some way (e.g. add exonyms) I'd rather devise ways to funnel that
data from Wikipedia (whether automatically or by sending users over to
edit the map) into OSM so that everyone can use it from there.

> Can we help in some way?

I'm maintaining a bug list here:


But that's heavily biased towards what I'm interested in working on
(since I'm practically the only one filing bugs), what I'm working
towards is basically this:


But there are all sorts of interesting things that can be done with
OSM maps on Wikipedia that need to be implemented eventually.
Everything from mundane server setup tasks to harvesting coordinates
from Wikipedia articles so they can be displayed in an overlay to
making sure oauth works on OSM & Wikipedia so we can send editors
between the two projects.

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