On Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 11:06 AM, John Smith<delta_foxt...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Actually time and space is the 4th dimension :)
> People already want editors that can handle 3D, not just 2D so they can map 
> out complex buildings and very complex roads that overlap each other and so 
> forth.
> The editor wouldn't need to specify a time box, but could sort it out locally 
> after it downloads the data, same with 3D data I guess.

Yes, ok then, 4D. And yes, in the short-term I guess the editor could
download data from *all time* - but *eventually* the API will need to
support this kind of bounding box including a time limit, because the
length of the time dimension will grow to infinity into the future. I
won't want to be fetching infinity KB of data.

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