
Richard Fairhurst schrieb:
 > Potlatch enables you to convert a GPS track to a way by clicking
 > "Edit" beside the track (in the "GPS Traces" listing), then selecting
 > "Convert track to ways" when Potlatch loads. There is no option _not_
 > to simplify the track on import; it runs Douglas-Peucker over it, and
 > I would commend this forced simplification to the JOSM devs. Ways are
 > automatically split after an interval of n seconds.

It is good that simplification is forced. But of course, it will still 
stupidly add a large zig-zag caused by bad reception to the map. (I have 
seen beginners manually add such zig-zags before they learn that GPS 
isn't perfect, but at least they usually learn)

How does it take care of crossing other ways without a junction point?


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