On Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 11:01 AM, Chris Hill <o...@raggedred.net> wrote:

> Steve Bennett wrote:
> > Alight, I've had enough of this.
> You've had enough of it!!!  After nearly fifty emails about how to tag a
> ditch with a bridge over it in a few hours I think everyone in OSM has
> had enough of it.  I've rarely seen so much crap in such a small space.
> Haven't any of you heard of restraint?
> Clueless doesn't begin to describe it ...

Maybe you just don't understand the details.  Yes, in this particular case
it's a bit contrived, but what if we're talking about a major highway?  You
don't want to tag bridges where there are no bridges, that's just going to
confuse people when their car tells them to "continue over the bridge".  And
you don't want to show a gap between the ditch and the road where one does
not exist, because someone might be tempted to try to walk there, and maybe
they want to find a different route rather than walking over a major
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