On 11/08/10 21:56, Liz wrote:

There are a list of questions which have not been answered whether on osmf-
talk or legal-talk or talk.
I also find that is a problem with the mailing list, and when I contact the working groups. No definitive answer is provided, usually the discussion gets distracted to a side issue. Some answers are simply delayed because they depend on future events, and are not anyones fault. But for questions which have been addressed, I hope people will begin to reference the appropriate archived discussion to reduce repetition. This seemed to be a key point on that google talk on youtube that SteveC referenced [2].

Fortunately, the principle of "assume good faith" has appeared in the draft code of conduct. If someone raises a repeatedly raises a question, please assume they are sincere until they have been directed to the appropriate place in the archives.

I am now considering OSMF as an annoying third party which has interspersed
itself between myself and OSM. I have no original contract of any form between
myself and OSMF.
In the Subversion project (to use the google talk's example [2]), discussions may begin privately and are then moved to the public forum. Decisions are taken by consensus of all contributors in the public forum. This is different from OSMF's approach, particularly with respect to relicensing [3]. OSMF's committee approach is appropriate for very complex issues, but as much as possible should be done in a broader forum (if necessary, lead by respected community members). I think OSMF and the LWG are working with good intentions, I just don't agree with their methods on occasion.

But the role of OSMF is to support OSM [1]. By moderating the forums within well defined guidelines, I think they are fulfilling that role. I am not sure why the title "Benevolent Dictator For Life" is needed to moderate the forums. I would appreciate knowing what are the limits of this power? I expect it doesn't include the ability to override established OSM procedure. Perhaps the title "OSM discussion moderator" might be more appropriate, and enables SteveC to pass it along if necessary.


[1] http://www.osmfoundation.org/wiki/Main_Page
[2] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZSFDm3UYkeE
[3] http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Questions_to_LWG_on_ODbL#Response_from_Mike_Collinson_on_ODbL_Adoption

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