According to the summaries that have been published thus far, those who click 
"yes" are licensing data already entered not only under the current new 
license, but are agreeing in advance to any future licenses.  You won't have 
the right to choose not to license the data under those new licenses, even 
though it will take a two-thirds majority to select a new license.

-------Original Email-------
Subject :Re: [OSM-talk] Let's prepare to Fork OSM to a CCBYSA 2.0continuation
Date  :Sun Aug 22 08:46:20 America/Chicago 2010

On 22/08/2010 14:13, John F. Eldredge wrote:
> My largest complaint is that, if you click "yes", you not only are
> agreeing to the current new license, but you are also agreeing in
> advance to any future license changes, without being able to know
> what those new license terms will be.  It is the equivalent to voting
> someone into office as "President for life".

This is complete nonsense. Any further change would require a 2/3
majority of active contributors (as well as agreement from OSMF members).

This is considerably higher than most democratic countries require for a
change of Government, which you might consider a significant event, and
the same as most organisations set for making constitutional changes.

It stops people like Felix Hartman attempting to hold the majority to
ransom by requiring a 100% vote and therefore effectively giving
everyone a veto, while at the same time recognising a simple majority is
not enough for more fundamental changes.

Are you saying you want a personal veto on any future change? Seems a
massively selfish attitude for a supposedly co-operative project.

I've yet to find an organisation whose members don't disagree on things,
but OSM does seem to have more than its fair share of people who set out
to disagree with anything anyone else says for the sake of it.

Democracy isn't about unanimity. It never can be because it is never


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John F. Eldredge --
"Reserve your right to think, for even to think wrongly is better than not to 
think at all." -- Hypatia of Alexandria
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