John F. Eldredge schrieb:
According to the summaries that have been published thus far, those who click 
"yes" are licensing data already entered not only under the current new 
license, but are agreeing in advance to any future licenses.  You won't have the right to 
choose not to license the data under those new licenses, even though it will take a 
two-thirds majority to select a new license.

That's right. By the way, this is very similar to what the GNU project requires, but they do it with a copyright assignment, so that the FSF can change the license at will, while the OSM CTs require 2/3 of the active mappers to agree to a license change, so those CTs are stricter than the GNU rules. Interesting, right?

Still, this once again is a topic for legal-talk, not the main talk list.

Robert Kaiser

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