I think, the problem is, that Locus MAY BE used in a bad way by bulk downloading. As long as it's used like a browser it would not be a problem and the lock could be removed (I'm pretty sure then that would not be a problem even for the admins). But as it's not distinguishable currently how it's used, it's not possible to do a finer blocking against "bad users" while not blocking "good users" collaterally.


Am 21.11.2011 14:13, schrieb Václav Řehák:
Perhaps to download the very fresh OSM data as vectors? Something like the data
layer we have in the standard OSM web map.
Do you have real experience with this?

I didn't investigate it in details, but it seems to me that I need per
country dump from geofabrik.de (~ 230 MB in pbf for Czech Republic),
run some processing using osmosis plugin [1] and copy the resulting
270 MB map file to my phone. I can do this once in a while but it does
not sound like convenient solution. And for sure it's not user
friendly for potential new mappers.

As I stated in my first e-mail, I understand why it is necessary to
protect the servers from abusing. But why is access by (now well
behaving) mobile app considered as abusing while acess by mobile
browser is OK is really difficult to understand. And why is Locus
blocked while other less popular apps providing the same functionality
are allowed is also strange.

Btw, thanks for updating the wiki page on Locus. It is now much more
helpful by providing usage info on the vector maps though it does not
solve my use case.

[1] http://code.google.com/p/mapsforge/wiki/MapFileWriterOsmosis

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