Václav Rehák <rehakv01 <at> gmail.com> writes:

> > Perhaps to download the very fresh OSM data as vectors? Something like
>> the data 
> > layer we have in the standard OSM web map.
> Do you have real experience with this?

In a way, yes. I am mostly playing with tradional GIS and our national data but
the following link will send you all the osm_lines from a 10 km by 10 km
bounding box. Data comes from the OSM Mapnik schema and all the tags 
attached to the lines are included. See elements like
"ref"=>"3071", "name"=>"Ritvalanraitti", "highway"=>"tertiary",
"surface"=>"paved", "z_order"=>"4"

You do not need to download the whole Czech data if you just want to check a
couple of streets. Ten by ten kilometers in my example seems to be from an
area that does not have many highways but it should give you an idea. 
This query will send all the osm_lines from the centre of Helsinki.,6671000,386000,6672000

This hundred by hundred meter box should give almost immediate response.,6671000,385100,6671100

I am updating data only every now and then but the database could be updated
with the "Minutely Mapnik" system and vectors would never be more than a 
couple of minutes old.

XML is not so interesting to look at but this OpenLayers example shows just
similar XML vector data on top of a raster map. Use the Delete Feature tool
and you will believe that they are vectors and nothing that is burned into
the raster image.


I do not want to advertise WFS over native OSM services, it just happens
to be a service I know somethign about. My message is that there can be 
other, maybe more flexible ways for utilising OSM data than just those 
boring tiles.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

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