> I think, the problem is, that Locus MAY BE used in a bad way by bulk
> downloading.

That's not true anymore. Downloading is disabled by Locus author in
the recent versions and online browsing is limited to a certain number
of tiles per day.

> As long as it's used like a browser it would not be a problem and the lock
> could be removed (I'm pretty sure then that would not be a problem even for
> the admins).

Sure, but then it would be nice to hear from the admins what rules
should the app follow to be unblocked. So far the Tile usage policy
says no apps are allowed without prior permission.

> But as it's not distinguishable currently how it's used, it's not possible
> to do a finer blocking against "bad users" while not blocking "good users"
> collaterally.

Maybe the way for future is writting an app that sends OSM credentials
to the server as Richard says (I don't know about such app). Or I can
add my custom providers.xml entry to Locus with some extra http header
(e.g. including my osm id) if the admins say so. But I have not heard
of such suggestions nor recommendation which app to use. The only info
I have is "do not use Locus and a few other popular apps".


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