On Thu, Oct 18, 2012 at 2:19 PM, Frederik Ramm <frede...@remote.org> wrote:

> Just because you are not convinced that a certain rule is good, doesn't mean
> it doesn't apply to you.

C'mon Frederik. We are not talking about a single contributor. Perhaps
from outside, you have this impression but it is really 99% of the
French community. Really. We are contacted by people coming for the
first time on our mailing list (or directly to well known
contributors) asking why this rule is an incomprehensive show-stopper.

> I spend 5 minutes to create an extra account" (which would be no problem for
> anybody)

It's more than 5 minutes if you have to create first a new email
account (I know now all the tricks to duplicate our first email
account but then explain why a different email address is still
required) then spend time to continuously switch from one account to
the other.

> And in my eyes, there are a few individuals in the French
> community to blame for this, who have essentially whipped up emotions with
> their fellow countrymen and styled this into a big us-versus-them battle
> which was totally unnecessary.

No, no, you are really wrong here. I don't know from where you got
this impression but it is really not only few individuals.

> Is it really too much to ask?

Because if they do so, they will have to continuously switch from one
account to the other. It is not like adapting and calling a perl
script to upload tons of data. These guys really juggle between
different sources when they contribute with JOSM. Once you understand
how people work, then you have to admit that the separate account is
more than an easy constraint.

> Trust me, I do care, and if I had anything to say, the whole Cadastre import
> would be stopped completely until adequate quality control measures were in
> place,
And we know that. And we have some legitimate suspicions that the
primary goal of this rule is to slow down or stop this import. If this
is not the case, then we could find quickly a good compromise.


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