On 01/09/2013 11:17 AM, Peter Wendorff wrote:
OpenOffice, now part of Apache, is well known, sure - but I think,
still more people know Microsoft Office than OpenOffice.

I don't think ASF would be happy with you reducing them to OpenOffice
:-) They have over a hundred of well-known projects and as an
organization they are a great example of how things can work.

With the rest of your post - I'm not talking about changing the project
itself. Again - no one wants to take away anything from anyone. I'm not
sure why people jump to defensive positions so quickly in those discussions.

The projects I gave as examples are as open source as OSM, everyone is
free to contribute, there is a community behind each of those projects -
no different than OSM.

They are just better organized to do some things like communication,
fundraising, strategy, events and the list goes on and on. This stuff
cannot be done properly with having only "structures at lower level"
because such structures will never be able to coordinate with each other
- they have a different role - to grow the project organically which is
great but cannot be applied in every area.

And better organization does not mean becoming, as you put it, "a
centralized moloch of decision makers who reject what other people do
because it does not fit to their opinion what should be done by someone."


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