Am 03.02.2013 20:42, schrieb Paweł Paprota:
Nice way to interpret the data :-) Look closer and not only if the
charts are rising and you can see a different picture:

Number of users grew from 500k to 1M since some time in 2011 until
January 2013:

At the same time the percentage of (highly) active users is falling
since at least 2009 and this number is now below 2%.

A relative decrease in active mappers is what you would expect as the result of us casting our net further (which can be seen in the accelerated growth of accounts) , and I fully expect it to decrease more as we reach out to groups that we haven't approached before.

Naturally in absolute terms the numbers are increasing, just as would be expected, see These are the really important numbers and those that we want to grow.


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