Am 24.03.2013 13:07, schrieb malenki:
> It seems there are not a lot of people in need of this feature.
About 160 mio people is not a lot of people?
> Render a map supporting name= on crossroads. Or make an overlay using
> Overpass API.
You miss my point: This is an essential map feature. And why should I
make a map for me personally, if this is a general issue for everyone?

> Apples and pears?
Is it? It seems that you have just made a comment without _any_
knowledge and without even the slightest bit of effort to understand
what this is about.
Sorry, but opinions like yours are ...

For you in an abbreviated form, so that you can understand it:
Crossroad names are in Japan and Korea similar to what street names in
Europe are. They give a help for orientation. Without them, a map in
Japan or Korea is extremely hard to read.

Now you say that there are no people who need this: I would rather say
that the general number of people from Japan or Korea who are using OSM
is low, not the one number of people who would need it. So then we can
analyze why few people from there use OSM. I would definitly say because

1. The entire project is extremely european centric
2. Major features who needed there are not supported (for example
crossroad names)
3. If the map is so unsuitable for non-european regions, nobody will use
it -> nobody will participate -> it seems that nobody needs these features

So: There _are_ basic features who need to be supported in order that
people from these regions will participate. And this is exactly why I
made the comparison with street names. This is not apples and pears,
this is chicken and egg.

Of course, you can say that OSM is a European project, but then you
should just delete every non-European data and restrict the map to
Europe, so that nobody dares to create maps in their own country.

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