2013/3/24 Frederik Ramm <frede...@remote.org>:
>  OSM is a "help yourself" project. Street names are important in Europe,
> that's why Europeans helped themselves by making a database that records,
> and a map that shows, street names. People in countries where crossroads
> names are very important are invited to help themselves and improve OSM to
> the point where it becomes easy to record and display crossroads names.
> (OSM is quite popular in Japan so I'm surprised to hear from you that OSM
> should be "extremely hard to read" there. The Japanese OSM community does
> possess considerable technical skills so I would have assumed that if
> crossroads names are as important as you say, they would have developed
> something to implement them in the mean time.)

But there were times when it was easier for the Europeans to "help
themselves", i.e propose a patch for one of the 2 main open map styles
(osmarender and mapnik) and have hope that it would be integrated
(actually in Osmarender you could simply change whatever you felt was
reasonable). AFAIK almost all recently closed mapnik tickets were
marked either invalid, won't fix, worksforme or duplicate, but I
couldn't find hardly anything that actually got integrated. The only 2
tickets I found that were opened since Jan 2012 and got fixed for
mapnik are these two:
https://trac.openstreetmap.org/ticket/4523  (doesn't appear to have
been a style problem)

While I agree that mapnik is (at least for European areas) a
reasonably mature style there are still lots of smaller issues that
might be addressed (and maybe are not because of issues with mapnik on
windows or key not available in db or maybe not so much available time
that the style sheet developers can dedicate). Anyway, for whatever
reason, in the past few years there were very few modifications to
what the style displays and how (while at the same time tagging
evolved a lot).


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