On Sun, 2014-08-17 at 14:14 -0500, John F. Eldredge wrote:
> Speed limits that are an odd multiple of 5 are common in the USA.  For 
> example, the most common speed limit on motorways within cities is 55 mph.  
> 15 mph is a common speed limit near schools at the times of day when children 
> are likely to be using the crosswalks.
> Speed limits that aren't an odd or even multiple of 5 are rare, but not 
> unknown. They are usually on private roads. For example, the YMCA owns a 
> large sports facility outside Nashville, TN. The posted speed limits on the 
> private roads within the compound are 16 mph.
I am aware that the USA has speed limits in multiples of 5 mph. I was
suggesting that the app should use the GPS, or settings, to get some
sensible locaiised values for speed limits values and mph/kph.

There is also a 10 second timeout on the report, I think only on the
driving mode, which will possibly encourage the user to just hit send.

I have been experimenting a little more since my last post, the value
initially presented to the user is the closest increment to the actual

Actually if used with care its not a bad feature, I would like this in
osmand but then use my OSM account rather than post anonymously.

Although the main point of the thread I do still believe. The note
should include the name of the app and contact details of the admins for
the app, that is only basic good manners and should have been a no
brainer for the developers.

Phil (trigpoint)

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