On Fri, May 12, 2017 at 12:57 AM, Marc Gemis <marc.ge...@gmail.com> wrote:

> So would a stop sign / give way sign /traffic signal then be mapped as
> stop_position: node where on the street does one have to stop/give
> way/wait for traffic signal

My thinking on this is stop_position isn't necessary as, unlike public
transportation, the distinction from the conflict point itself (the
intersection node(s)) isn't significant enough to bother.

> sign : node (optional) the exact location of the sign

I'd go with device instead, as this could potentially be a traffic signal.
Or on many intersections where a high traffic expressway crosses a minor
road, it could be multiple devices:  Traffic signals that is perpetually
flashing red for the minor way and flashing yellow for the trunk, in
addition to stop signs facing the minor directions.  This comes up a lot,
for example, on US 26 between Gresham and Government Camp, US 30 between
Portland and Warrenton, and pretty much any 70 MPH surface expressway in

> from: the way one is following to which the action has to be applied
> (is this needed ?)

Yes, but optional.  There could be multiple from ways.  For example, a four
way intersection for which there is a three-way stop, and one of those
directions may turn right without stopping.  Or a French example, a traffic
signal that has a "bicycles yield when turning right

> intersection: the node of the intersection for which the sign/signal holds


to: the collection of ways one can travel to after stopping/giving
> way/waiting for traffic signal. This would include the from way so
> u-turns have to obey the sign/signal as well.

Yes.  At a minimum, a stop, give_way, traffic_signals or traffic_calming
relation would have 1 from, 1 intersection and 1 to.

> is this how you see the relation ? Could it be simplified for the most
> common case that the sign/traffic signal applies to all directions one
> can travel ?

Yes.  A situation like an onramp meter
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ramp_meter>, onramp or similar yield sign,
or all-way stop where all possible movements for which the control or
calming applies is a single node, and all movements across that node are
affected by the calming or control, could still be mapped as just a simple
node with the current schema.

> what in case there is a turn restriction at the intersection ? Does
> the to-collection of the stop sign also have to include prohibited
> turns ?

No, you would use the existing turn restriction relation schema for turn
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