
I would like to track all objects that I ever created or edited.
I suggest we implement a system to make this easy.

I suggest we create a new system that is updated every time a changeset is 
uploaded. The new system tracks userids and osmids and date of last change/edit.

When I create or edit an object an entry is made in this system (if a way is 
converted to relation the relation id is added and so forth). If another user 
converts my way to a relation the system edits the userobjects table of both 
users. This works around the problem of missing permanent ids. If a node, way 
or relation is deleted by anyone the row in my userobjects is deleted)

The system can then be queried lke this:


GET Openstreetmap.org/api/userobjects/pangoSE
Outputs objects for user pangoSE with the oldest first (outputs 10 entries, 
&offset can be used to get more, &size can be used to output up to 300 entries, 
&modified_date=desc by default)

The osmids of the objects can then be used to query the suggested verification 
endpoint to easily find old userobjects that are stale and need reverification. 
The user can be used to generate maps and gpx exports of all osmids needing 
verification for the user to use during a mapping quest.

This data is privacy sensitive so the endpoint should require permissions from 
the user to make it easy to write a script or service that uses the data on 
behalf of the user.


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