One of the best suggestions I and others have made to pangoSE regarding this 
proposal is a very strong use case or solid, easily-grasped 
geographically-based examples of a problem (exclusively or largely unsolvable 
in OSM today, with today's data and tools) that would make for a solvable 
problem getting solved.  There is a great deal of effort involved from 
presenting "a solution" to the larger OSM community (first, so we understand 
it, second so we might reach consensus about it, third so we might implement it 
with a particular method) when no underlying problem is apparent.  This is what 
is meant by "a solution in search of a problem."  What is it that pangoSE is so 
anxious to fix that significant entanglement with a new naming system (linked 
semantic wrappers) is required?

Perhaps there ARE problems that cannot be solved without such radical changes 
to our naming machinery.  I'm simply saying I have yet to read / hear one that 
has been sufficiently articulated for me to consider this proposal further.

If problems are identified and articulated, that's a good and necessary next 
step.  But then so would be the greater buy-in of a well-presented proposal 
that engendered sufficient discussion and perhaps eventual wide consensus to 
proceed with the detailed and accepted proposal.  We are a long, long way from 
any of this.  Let's start with what might be broken or difficult or impossible 
to solve with what we have now and go from there.

I'm not saying OSM couldn't benefit by such a scheme (I keep calling it "Web 
3.0-flavored" and maybe I'm right, maybe not; pangoSE chiming in about whether 
his proposal and elements of Web 3.0 overlap or not is very much appreciated).  
I am saying, let's have it presented to the community in a way that is usual, 
potentially successful, "problem first, solution second," bite-sized in a way 
that makes comprehension widely accessible and solves "something" (rather than 
as it appears now:  a hive of snarls that looks like deliberate obfuscation by 
high priests of special knowledge).  Clearly-stated concepts of what this might 
solve must come first.  Presenting a technical solution without articulated 
problems it might solve is backwards.

OSM now has an existing "history of object edits."  If you "do it right," it is 
technically possible to leverage this into what you are proposing ("tracking 
objects" to "follow" them?) with absolutely no change to OSM's present database 
model.  Maybe this is a good idea, maybe not.  But pangoSE has not even 
identified any costs that wold be associated with changing OSM's database 
model, he simply sent us a link to it (which we can find ourselves, but thanks 
for the effort).

pangoSE:  please stop ignoring me in these threads.  I'm extending effort to 
listen, your lack of reply seems disingenuous.

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