Am 30.10.2020 um 16:33 schrieb Dave F:

But anyway... Point slit stands: Why did iD take this authoritarian position.
Already pointed this out n-times now: because it synthesizes an area object type.

As has been noted other, editors don't make this assumption.

Other editors don't try to synthesize an area type.

A split polygon with only an outer MP is not an "area".

It is, you are really totally mistaken on this. Particularly if you are reusing ways that are parts of other MPs it is quite common to have an MP with a sole outer ring composed of multiple ways (aka a "split polygon"). That it is typically unnecessary in the case of a building doesn't make it invalid.


The correct solution to split polygons with tags on the ways is to rejoin those ways, not create a MP.

As I pointed out, the question is -when- to rejoin those ways.

As I pointed out, that's for the contributor to decide, not the editor.

 A MP with only one* outer is invalid.


There's a clue in the name 'MultiPolygon' there has to be more than one.
Splitting into two serves no purpose, adds no quality. Entropy isn't beneficial for the OSM database.

Incomplete MP relations are not beneficial to OSM quality.


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