On Friday, June 24, 2005 at 6:36:05 AM [GMT -0500], Alto Speckhardt

> You're right, I did misunderstand. When you spoke of the message list,
> I understood "messages". My apologies.

Not a problem. :)

> For one, I may not even notice that I erase the cache. For example, I
> often want to compress the files of my local mailbase to save time
> when synchronizing with my laptop.

How will that save time? What synchronizing are you referring to? If
you're referring to synchronizing with your IMAP server, I don't see how
that compressing will save time.

> To do this, I select Maintenance/DeleteDeleted. Theoretically, this
> should "repack" the folder files fazing out the deleted mails, while
> leaving everything else intact, right? Wrong. After this, the complete
> cache is gone.

Urmph! All I read are bad testimonials about the Maintenance center.
When I right click a folder and select compress. All my messages don't

Additionally, I'd suggest not to compress unless you're connected with
the IMAP server. Your cache reflects what's on the server. When you
compress locally, you're basically compressing what's on the server,
i.e., deleting messages flagged for deletion. If you do so while
disconnected, it will not work and just lead to buggy behaviour like
your entire cache being wiped.

> Second, even if I do nothing that could endanger the cache, I
> freuqently end up with not being able to view messages anyway.

.. and you're sure that these messages you cannot view are messages you
had viewed while connected.

> Shall I try to recount the times when I needed a message abroad and
> got a "no message loaded" instead?

> In my view this is a result of the cache not being meant as a
> mailbase, but indeed as a cache whose contents are non-critical and
> can be refreshed any time.

Without disconnect mode enabled in Mulberry, this is exactly how the
cache is treated. In TB!, the cache isn't deleted unless you do so the
right way or through using a buggy maintenance center while

> That's why I wanted to bring this matter up now, when a basic redesign
> of the IMAP- (and, I suppose, cache-) handling is taking place: To
> change the flavour from "might possibly be used also" into "if you're
> disconnected, use it".

At the moment you can use it, but only for viewing. AFAIK, TB! doesn't
support disconnect mode operations that are later propagated on the
server when you next connect. RIT can correct me on this if I'm wrong.

> This would mean more prudent handling of the cache, e.g. not dropping
> it without being directed explicitly by the user and doing a full sync
> with every bit there is when instructed to.

I'm wondering if you're correctly instructing it to.

Open 'Manage IMAP folders'. What synchronisation mode option is selected
for your IMAP mailboxes?

AM>> Note that only those messages you've viewed are cached. The bodies
AM>> of unviewed messages are not in the cache since you didn't request
AM>> them for viewing.

> But I executed "Sync all folders, mode: complete". That should give me
> everything, whether previously viewed or not.

Are you using 'Full messages' as synchronisation mode and you select
'Sync all folders' then everything should synchronise.

One wonders whether or not the full synchronisation actually runs to
completion. You seem to be assuming that the cache has been built and
then you lose it afterwards. I'm wondering if the cache was not fully
built in the first place.

I just don't lose cached stuff here unless I do something.

> I don't see another way if I want to be able to take everything with
> me on my laptop. Besides, why should it be a problem with volume? If I
> get a message, I will most certainly want to read it at some time, so
> what is the difference between retrieving everything at once now
> versus retrieving every message seperatly later on?

You need to try Mulberry and see what a full sync is like. It takes a
while for it to happen. You're locked from user input while it's
happening too. Mulberry becomes impractical to use. It was not meant to
be usually used in that way. You synchronise when getting ready for a
disconnected use environment.

Did the full synchronisation operation fully complete before you undock?
TB!'s disconnecting from the server doesn't mean that it has happened
either. TB! tends to disconnect anyway for various reasons, some of them
inexplicable to me.

Anyway, you're stretching the abilities and limits of IMAP with what
you're doing. In my experience, TB!'s IMAP isn't robust enough for that
sort of stuff. You're bound to run into trouble unless you're really
careful, forgiving, and have a little know how. Me? I usually just fire
up Mulberry instead.

  -= Allie Martin =-
The Bat!™ v3.5.30
System Specs: http://www.ac-martin.com/sysspecs.htm
Reality is nothing but a collective hunch.

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