Sunday, November 21, 1999

Hello Steve,

Sunday, Sunday, November 21, 1999, you wrote:

Steve> Saturday, November 20, 1999, 3:11:27 PM, Ali wrote:
>> explanation of the findings and the implications etc. They expect it
>> then and there. See what I'm getting at? I have to do that, explaining
>> the same things, day in and day out.

Steve>     I certainly do.  In my 3 years of tech support at a small ISP I rarely had
Steve> a customer complain about me, I was considered the best tech on staff, got the
Steve> customer's problems resolved the fastest, was often sent out to customer's
Steve> homes and offices to fix problems they had incurred upon themselves.  Only
Steve> once did a customer ever hear me blow up and that was because of a improperly
Steve> programmed mute button on a phone.  3 years, a couple hundred calls a day.

How many times the same Questions(g)??
main problem with isp problems is that if something suddenly doesnt
work the poor user things he messed it up and starts to fix things
after which the lot probably IS corrupted.
I made them a list and rule number one is NOT to change any

Steve>     What I have described and what you have described, however, are two
Steve> different things.  That is work, this is not.

Best regards,

Using theBAT 1.38 Beta/2 


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