Dear Achdut18,

@8-Jul-2012, 17:49 -0500 (08-Jul 23:49 here) Achdut18 [A] in said to Marck:

... <snip>
MP>> to set the addressing of the email as you wish.

A> I am still confused.  This may be elementary, but I need some step by
A> step "hand-holding."

A> If I create a mail message that I want to go to all 100 contacts in a
A> group, what do I do to easily accomplish that?

You create your entire message as a "Mass Mailing Template". These are
Quick templates, created in the Quick Template editor that have the
"Mass Mailing Template" checkbox ticked. The template will include the
macros for attribution and manipulation of the To field as well as the
entire body of the message you wish to send. You can get very clever
by using other fields of the address book to conditionally add or
remove whole paragraphs, but that means getting fairly sophisticated.

A> The only way I know to get a mail message to automatically go to
A> everyone in the group is to open up the address book, highlight the
A> group and then click on "new message." The group handle will appear
A> in the "to" field followed by "<list>"

There is another way. In the Address book, highlight the group then,
from the Address book menu choose "File -> New -> Mass Mailing using
Template". This will give you all the options you need to generate
individual emails to every member of the chosen group (or the
currently selected subset of specific entries) using the template you
wrote your mass mailing message template in.

A> I tried to place   "%ABtoHANDLE" <%TOADDR>  in the "to" field, but that
A> yielded an error message:

Yes - these are *template* macros. The clue here is the word
"template", meaning they can only be correctly interpreted when used
in a template. I don't mean to patronize - just trying to help.

... <snip>

A> What am I doing wrong?

Just work through the pointers above and you should be able to get
somewhere with it now.

Cheers --  Marck D Pearlstone -- List moderator and fellow end user
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