Hello Jack,

Sunday, June 15, 2014, 1:10:22 AM, among other things, you wrote:

JSL> Well, it helps only in making me realize **once again** that if I continue 
to use
JSL> HTML (in all correspondence except those to TB!)  I'm gonna have these
JSL> weird problems.  These problems all go away if I just switch to
JSL> something other than HTML.

JSL> So, it seems to be a problem of my own making that I'll just have to
JSL> live with.

JSL> Thanks Roger.

I  have  never  replied  with  html but I use a security firm which sends me
newsletters in html and I have just done an experimental reply insert in one
of  them.  This opened a new line as you described but it stays in position.
It does not jump up the page or obscure any of the original message.

It does not seem to matter what combination of choices I make about using TB
or  OS html or wnether I use TB rules or not,the completed 'reply' shows the
insert  in the proper place.  However it does not fit with the original line
length.  In other words it appears as a separate sub-pane between two pieces
of the original message, with a different line length.

Best regards,

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