On Thu, 24 Jan 2008 at 17:24:00 -0500, Maggie wrote:
MP>> Could it be you have more than one entry for them in your AB?
> I have an additional entry for him alone and for her alone both with their 
> own handles.

I have a suspicion that when called from the main screen, TB! just
looks for the first entry in the address book with the particular
email address. So if all 3 entries have the same email address,
although you call the joint entry by nickname, it still goes back and
finds Joe's solitary entry when looking for the template to use.

Try changing the email address (temporarily) in the address book entry
for him alone, and creating an email from the main screen. If it then
goes to the AB template from the joint entry (or even the one for Sue
alone) it will prove this to be the case.


Using The Bat! v3.99.25
      Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2
      Popfile v0.22.4

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