>>>>> "Darren" == Darren Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
    Darren> Today, some people might want MD-5, others SHA-1 and in the
    Darren> future, there may be other hashing algorithms that are
    Darren> better to use.  And there are times when we might want it
    Darren> off (algorithm 0, for example.)

  okay, meta-data.
  I think that one might want to emit the meta-data header, but not fill
it in in some cases, and calculate the hash later on, poking it in.

    Darren> As such, I believe this option should be a (type,value)
    Darren> pair, if we can agree that the hash value in the option
    Darren> header is a hash over the entire record returned by the
    Darren> kernel (with the value of the hash set to 0.)  And yes, the
    Darren> kernel computes the hash.

  Huh?  really. You want the hash over the entire packet, or just the
part that was received by pcap?

  I wondered about that part. This makes the hash very interesting.
  But, the kernel boundary is abstracted from the point of view of the
the pcap file format. 

  So, it we are including anything other than the packet data, we need
to define things.

  I can see some people wanting a hash over the layer-3 only, with
mutable fields set to zero (a la IPsec AH), such that they can compare
captures from different points.  Is this your desire?

- --
]       ON HUMILITY: to err is human. To moo, bovine.           |  firewalls  [
]   Michael Richardson,    Xelerance Corporation, Ottawa, ON    |net architect[
] [EMAIL PROTECTED]      http://www.sandelman.ottawa.on.ca/mcr/ |device driver[
] panic("Just another Debian GNU/Linux using, kernel hacking, security guy"); [
Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Finger me for keys

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