On Wed, Mar 13, 2013 at 2:05 PM, "Dieter Glötzel" <d.gloet...@web.de> wrote:
> Recently I made some experimentation with SmartEye, which is an excellent
> scanner and interpreter for notes.
> It produces besides its own music format and midi either NIFF od MusicXML
> output.
> If I now want to work with PMX on scanned notes,
> then it would be great to be able to import any of these formats into PMX.
> What do you think?

Yes, I agree that it would be convenient to convert a specific
*output* format like
MusicXML to a convenient *input* format. But this doesn't justify a
system for all
conceivable interconversions.


>> We need something which can read PMX, M-Tx or ABC; convert it to
>> a central structure; from that central structure write PMX, M-Tx,
>> ABC, MusiXTeX, Lilypond, MIDI, etc.
> Do we? Yes, there are several "text-based" formats for describing
> music (MusiXTeX, PMX, M-Tx, ABC, PMW, LY, ... ). But why would
> anyone need to *inter-convert* these unless they were abandoning a
> format and needed to convert "legacy" files to another format?
> Pandoc is needed because there are often imposed requirements for
> "intermediate" formats; for example, documentation sources must
> be in a specific format or a pointy-headed boss insists on .doc
> format. But for us, there are rarely such requirements; we are just
> producing music scores (and parts) and midis; once we've learned
> a suitable input language, there's no reason routinely to convert
> descriptions to another.

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