>|Speaking as someone who uses ABC-Plus notation extensively, I say "Yes, we
 >|do need something like Panmus"
 >|As a Win-Numpty I find MusiXTeX to be cumbersome and difficult to set up,
 >|and equally cumbersome to use. For me it is far easier to use PDFInclude
 >|for files created with a "more friendly" ABC notation program.

Not sure what PDFInclude does: includes PDFs in what?

 >|Yes, there is the ABC package, which I am assured, in the right
 >|hands, can be used to include ABC notation directly into a TeX
 >|score, converting it to conventional notation. But I have never
 >|been able to make it play nicely with any of my rather antiquated
 >|computers. For me, something like Panmus would be a powerful
 >|argument for using LaTeX more and workarounds less.

Not sure what kind of workflow you're thinking of. If your ABC
processor generates PDF or Postscript or an image, any of those can
easily be input into a LaTeX document. What is a "TeX score"? What
is "conventional notation"?


 >|On Wed, Mar 13, 2013 at 1:33 PM, Bob Tennent <r...@cs.queensu.ca> wrote:
 >|> Dirk say:
 >|> > We need something which can read PMX, M-Tx or ABC; convert it to
 >|> > a central structure; from that central structure write PMX, M-Tx,
 >|> > ABC, MusiXTeX, Lilypond, MIDI, etc.
 >|> Do we? Yes, there are several "text-based" formats for describing
 >|> music (MusiXTeX, PMX, M-Tx, ABC, PMW, LY, ... ). But why would
 >|> anyone need to *inter-convert* these unless they were abandoning a
 >|> format and needed to convert "legacy" files to another format?
 >|> Pandoc is needed because there are often imposed requirements for
 >|> "intermediate" formats; for example, documentation sources must
 >|> be in a specific format or a pointy-headed boss insists on .doc
 >|> format. But for us, there are rarely such requirements; we are just
 >|> producing music scores (and parts) and midis; once we've learned
 >|> a suitable input language, there's no reason routinely to convert
 >|> descriptions to another.
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