<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on Thu, 29 Jun 2000 17:38:23 +0200 (METDST):

> This is what I want:
> 1) I want to do incremental graphics without switching to metapost.

... which is sad, because embedded metapost works very
well with texpower; see

> 2) I use gnuplot and xfig on a Unix machine.

To be honest, I never ever used xfig in my life, and didn't
try incremental gnuplot figures yet. So I can only comment
on the texpower part...

> 3) I don't need very fancy stuff, just 1-d lineplots with different
>    lines appearing one by one or very simple sketches.
> 4) I have at most 4 or 5 steps for each graphic.

I see four different possible ways:

a) export to metapost, embed the metapost code with emp and
   insert \step commands wherever you want
b) use the xfig patch for generating different mpost figures
   (dunno how this works).
c) export from xfig to eepic and insert steps in the eepic
   code (don't know whether this has enough expressive power
   for your pictures).
   Unfortunately, xfig doesn't seem to support PSTricks export.
d) export from gnuplot to PSTricks and add \steps and any
   decoration directly into the PSTricks code (xfig not
   used here).


  Stephan Lehmke                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Fachbereich Informatik, LS I   Tel. +49 231 755 6434 
  Universitaet Dortmund          FAX              6555
  D-44221 Dortmund, Germany             

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