
This is what I want:
1) I want to do incremental graphics without switching to metapost.
2) I use gnuplot and xfig on a Unix machine.
3) I don't need very fancy stuff, just 1-d lineplots with different
   lines appearing one by one or very simple sketches.
4) I have at most 4 or 5 steps for each graphic.

This is what I do:
1) generate a plot from my data with gnuplot and export it to
2) open that file in xfig and sort everything that I want to appear at
         one step to the same depth.
3) save the fig file and export to combined ps/latex format. That
         gives me three files, say test.fig, test.pstex and test.pstex_t .
4) edit the test.fig file and throw out all depths that I don't want
         to see at the first step. Save it to test1.fig. Run fig2dev -Lpstex
         on that file to produce test1.pstex.
5) edit the test.fig file and throw out all depths that I don't want
         to see at the second step. Save it to test2.fig. Run fig2dev -Lpstex
         on that file to produce test2.pstex. Repeat for all steps.
6) edit test.pstex_t. Change the line saying
         \special{psfile=test.pstex} to \special{psfile=test1.pstex}. Add
         the lines \step{\special{psfile=test1.pstex}} and so on for each
6a)edit test.pstex_t. Change the text-section of test.pstex_t so that
         the text appears in sync with the graphics as I want it.
7) include test.pstex_t into the latex source as argument to \stepwise

Steps 4-6 could be automated with eg a perl script.

Do you have any comments on that procedure. Do you know of any other
way to generate incremental graphics? I'm aware that there exist
patches to xfig to let it output one metapost file for each
depth. Does anyone have experience with applying these patches and
compiling xfig? Does anyone have experience with including these
graphics in conjunction with texpower?


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