I am trying to prepare a presentation with pdfscreen and texpower but I
am unable to achieve the effect of change color from dimmed to normal
(as described in FAQ 3.2). If I use this

  \step{\item we ``discover'' the structure of the document (DTD)}
  \step{\item SGML tools (nsgmls, yasp) help us to correct the source}
  \step{\item we can produce the ``printing'' markup again}
  \step{\item we can use SGML format for other applications}

it has the same effect as if there were no parameters of \liststepwise.
I am sending a whole test file.

Hana Skoumalova     Institute of Theoretical & Computational Linguistics
                                                      Charles University
tel: +420 2 24491858                          Celetna 13, 110 00 Praha 1
http://utkl.ff.cuni.cz/~skoumal                           Czech Republic


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