
That raises the interesting question of weather radiant transfer is already 
included in the rated thermal resistance. My guess is that the 8" of foam is 
enough to cover any radiation issues and still get you above 20 C / W. 

Since you are probably starting with 1 or 2" slabs, including the aluminum foil 
would be pretty easy. It can't hurt and it might help.


On Mar 10, 2010, at 7:29 PM, Neville Michie wrote:

> I have been wondering about achieving the rated thermal resistance from 
> plastic foam,
> the problem being that radiant transmission may be very strong through the 
> foam.
> What happens if you interleave concentric sheets of foam plastic with 
> aluminium foil? (taking care to keep the foil
> on isothermal surfaces)
> Will this stop the radiant transfer and leave only the thermal conduction of 
> the plastic foam?
> cheers, Neville Michie
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