> Well, yeah...But doesn't every platform also have the "raw" ADC
> implementation
> which provides exactly the same interface, with a (well, to my low-level
> mind)
> more straightforward connection to the external world? Admittedly there
> are
> some 'tricks' that need to be performed to get, e.g., the micasb
> Photo/Temp
> sensors to work. But the extra "Demo" layer increases obscurity without
> providing any additional modularity. And making changes, say Photo to
> Temp,
> requires editing a file in the "system" area rather than directly in the
> app.
> Anyway, Software Design is still a Black Art...

still, can someone give me a specific code sample, on how to read from ADC
channel 1 or 2?

it would be highly appreciated...


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