The top (HIL) ADC layer uses the AdcConfigure interface and provides
the Read, ReadNow and ReadStream interfaces - AdcConfigure is for ADC
configuration (e.g input channel), the others are for reading out
data. AdcConfigure is *called* by the ADC stack every time a client
has asked for ADC data via the Read interfaces, i.e. the client never
actively configures the ADC, but instead provides a
AdcConfigure.getConfiguration() handler that returns its individual
configuration. The top level ADC components, on which you could build
sensor components, are: AdcReadClientC, AdcReadStreamClientC,
AdcReadNowClientC, located in tinyos-2.x/tos/chips/msp430/adc12.

On telos by default DemoSensorC is a wrapper on Msp430InternalVoltageC
(tinyos-2.x/tos/chips/msp430/sensors), which "forwards" the read
interfaces from the ADC stack adding only the wiring for the
AdcConfigure interface:

  AdcReadClientC.AdcConfigure -> Msp430InternalVoltageP;

...and all Msp430InternalVoltageP does is return the configuration for
the msp430 internal voltage sensor.

If the Read interfaces are not "good enough", take a look at
tinyos-2.x/tos/chips/msp430/adc12/Msp430Adc12Client*.nc. These
components export the msp430 specific functionality. If you use them
your code will not be so portable anymore, but you can do things like
high-frequency sampling of multiple ADC channels via DMA. Start with:


On 7/30/07, Michael Schippling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well, yeah...But doesn't every platform also have the "raw" ADC implementation
> which provides exactly the same interface, with a (well, to my low-level mind)
> more straightforward connection to the external world? Admittedly there are
> some 'tricks' that need to be performed to get, e.g., the micasb Photo/Temp
> sensors to work. But the extra "Demo" layer increases obscurity without
> providing any additional modularity. And making changes, say Photo to Temp,
> requires editing a file in the "system" area rather than directly in the app.
> Anyway, Software Design is still a Black Art...
> MS
> Joe Polastre wrote:
> >> What you will find is that it is a dimly veiled layer over an ADC input,
> >> which, IMHO, just obscures and obfuscates the usage...
> >
> > Yes, however every platform has a DemoSensor, which allows demos (not
> > applications) to be written and compiled irregardless of the platform
> > (thus the prefix "Demo")
> >
> > -Joe
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