> I looked at the document - and it contains a partial sample code. Still,
> is there a complete application sample somewhere that configures and reads
> from and ADC on telosb, and does something with it? Like TestAdc, just for
> real? By that I mean that it really configures the ADC, specifies which
> channel it will use, and then really uses it?

As I said, an app does not actively configure the ADC but only
provides an event handler returning its configuration. Your
application could look like this:

configuration MyAppC {
} implementation {
  components AppC, new AdcReadClientC(), MyConfigC;

  AppC.Read -> AdcReadClientC;
  AdcReadClientC.AdcConfigure -> MyConfigC;

where MyConfigC returns the ADC configuration (analogous to
Msp430InternalVoltageP) and AppC uses the Read interface to read out
the data. AppC does not configure the ADC itself  and it cannot change
its ADC configuration, but every time it calls Read.read, the ADC is
automatically configured to what MyConfigC returns (AppC could also
implement the AdcConfigure event handler itself - I added such an
example to CVS, see below).

If an app wants to use different ADC configurations, it can
instantiate multiple clients "assigning" to each a different ADC

configuration MyAppC {
} implementation {
  components AppC, new AdcReadClientC() as HumidityClient, HumidityConfigC;
                    new AdcReadClientC() as TemperatureClient,

  AppC.ReadHumidity -> HumidityClient;
  HumidityClient -> HumidityConfigC;
  AppC.ReadTemperature -> TemperatureClient;
  TemperatureClient -> TemperatureConfigC;

> BTW, TestAdc is very misleading, as it simply references DemoSensor, thus
> all ADC related functionality is hidden from the sample code.

The problem with apps/TestAdc is that the AdcConfigure interface is
different on e.g. micaz and telosb (it must be!), i.e. there cannot be
a truly platform-independent ADC test app. All DemoSensor is doing is
abstracting from the AdcConfigure interface. Thus assuming that
DemoSensor goes via the ADC apps/TestAdc can test the ADC for
different platforms.

> A full sample app would really be appreciated.

I added (to CVS) a simple ADC test app that does not use any sensor wrappers:


> Akos
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