Hi, anyone who cares

    Have you ever used blip with iris mote? I compiled the source in the folder 
tinyos-2.x/support/sdk/c/blip, and it works well with micaz, but not with iris. 
Has anyone transplanted the code to iris? or any solutions for the problem 

user@user:/opt/tinyos-2.x/support/sdk/c/blip$ sudo driver/ip-driver 
/dev/ttyUSB1 iris
2014-08-05T15:47:12.778CST: INFO: Read config from 'serial_tun.conf'
2014-08-05T15:47:12.778CST: INFO: Using channel 25
2014-08-05T15:47:12.778CST: INFO: Retries: 5
2014-08-05T15:47:12.779CST: INFO: telnet console server running on port 6106
2014-08-05T15:47:12.798CST: INFO: created tun device: tun0
2014-08-05T15:47:18.085CST: FATAL: configuring interface failed!  aborting!


Best regards,

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