I'm always on the lookout for recent (or even not-so-recent trade books that I may have missed) for a project in which students read trade books written by social psychologists (or sometimes non social psychologists on social psychological topics) and develop useful applications based on the book for a class project.

If anyone has any suggestions, I'd love to hear them.

For reference, here is the list that I used last year:

1) Self insight (Dunning)
2) The mismeasure of women (Tavris)
3) The how of happiness (Lyubomirsky)
4) How we know what isn’t so (Gilovich)
5) Mindfulness (Langer)
6) Intuition (Myers)
7) Curse of the Self (Leary)
8) White bears (Wegner)
9) Strangers to ourselves (Wilson)
10) Making marriage work (Gottman)
11) The relationship cure (Gottman)
12) Opening up (Pennebaker)
13) Singled out (DePaulo)
14) Emotions revealed (Ekman)
15) Telling lies (Ekman)
16) Breaking Murphy’s Law (Segerstrom)
17) Survival of the prettiest (Etcoff)
18) Stumbling on Happiness (Gilbert)
19) American Paradox (Myers)
20) Meanings of Life (Baumeister)
21) The two sexes (Maccoby)
22) Why so slow? (Valian)
23) Everyday mind reading (Ickes)
24) Losing control (Baumeister)
25) Friendly letter to skeptics (Myers)
26) Mistakes were made (Tavris)
27) The cultural animal (Baumeister)



Traci A. Giuliano

Professor of Psychology

John H. Duncan Chair

Southwestern University

Georgetown, TX 78626

office 512.863.1596

fax 512.863.1846

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Bill Southerly (bsouthe...@frostburg.edu)

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