On Tue, 29 Dec 2009 11:16:03 -0800, Traci Giuliano wrote:
>I'm always on the lookout for recent (or even not-so-recent trade books that I 
>>may have missed) for a project in which students read trade books written by 
>>social psychologists (or sometimes non social psychologists on social 
>>psychological topics) and develop useful applications based on the book for a 
>>class project. 
>If anyone has any suggestions, I'd love to hear them.

How about:

Phil Zimbardo: The Lucifer Effect (the Stanford Prison Experiment
and Beyond)

Charles Skoller: Twisted Confessions (Skoller was the NYC ADA
who investigated the Kitty Genovese murder and prosecuted
Winston Mosley who killed Kitty and other women; it's useful
to compare Skoller's account with other accounts as Harold
Takooshian did in his review of this book in PscyCritiques)

Gerd Gigerenze: Gut Feelings (Gerd's attempt to cash in on the
"Blink" popularity which relied in part on his research which he
goes into more detail in this book)

Gary Belsky & Tom Gilovich:  Why Smart People Make Big
Money Mistakes and How To Correct Them (part behavioral
economics, part decision-making and heuristics, part self-help)

All of the above are available on Amazon.

-Mike Palij
New York University

>For reference, here is the list that I used last year:
>1) Self insight (Dunning)
>2) The mismeasure of women (Tavris)
>3) The how of happiness (Lyubomirsky)
>4) How we know what isn’t so (Gilovich)
>5) Mindfulness (Langer)
>6) Intuition (Myers)
>7) Curse of the Self (Leary)
>8) White bears (Wegner)
>9) Strangers to ourselves (Wilson)
>10) Making marriage work (Gottman)
>11) The relationship cure (Gottman)
>12) Opening up (Pennebaker)
>13) Singled out (DePaulo)
>14) Emotions revealed (Ekman)
>15) Telling lies (Ekman)
>16) Breaking Murphy’s Law (Segerstrom)
>17) Survival of the prettiest (Etcoff)
>18) Stumbling on Happiness (Gilbert)
>19) American Paradox (Myers)
>20) Meanings of Life (Baumeister)
>21) The two sexes (Maccoby)
>22) Why so slow? (Valian)
>23) Everyday mind reading (Ickes)
>24) Losing control (Baumeister)
>25) Friendly letter to skeptics (Myers)
>26) Mistakes were made (Tavris)
>27) The cultural animal (Baumeister)

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