"Hetzel, Rod" wrote:

> I'm in the process of developing syllabi for next semester and wanted to
> raise once again the issue of attendance policies.  In my previous
> academic position I never had much difficulty with classroom attendance.

Obvioualy, I cannot speak to the culture at your institution. I have never
incorporated  attendance requirements into my marking schemes. The students
paid for the course. If they think they can do well in the course (whatever
level they consider "well" to be) while not coming to class, then they are
free to try. Sometime I give them a warning that it will be difficult to do
well without comint to class because material will be presented (in lecture or
discussion) that will be difficult to obtain in other ways. Obviously if there
is a participation or lab component to the grade, they will be unable to get
credit for that if they do not attend, but I do not make it explicitly an
attendance mark. Some people who come to class get zero for participation
because they sit there like stones. On a more "psychological" note, giving
marks for attendance leads student to come to class because they were "made
to," rather than learning that there are certain responsibilities they must
accept themselves in order to get where they want to go. Finally, having no
explicit attendance mark will save you a ton of paperwork and wasted "course
administration" time.

Christopher D. Green
Department of Psychology
York University
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
M3J 1P3

phone: 416-736-5115 ext.66164
fax:   416-736-5814

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