Several Lumbar punctures/spinal taps assessment of my fluid and detection of increased white cells and MRIs led to my diagnosis. What I presented was paralysis. And they assessed the disruption to occur at a particular place along my spine.

What were your "tests"? Mine also included various electric shock things-- some kind of conductive
analysis, and CAT scans.

I was diagnosed almost exactly a year ago. I had gone to the ER because someone at church noticed I was dragging my left leg and thought I might be having a stroke. No stroke, but after all the tests were done my doctor came in to tell me about TM. I was fortunate because he is well-known as one of the best neurosurgeons in the Pittsburgh, PA area. I haven't had a lot of mobility issues until this summer. Like you I can get around the house OK but I do use a cane in public. My balance is off enough that I tend to lose it quite often. It wouldn't do for people to think the new Baptist preacher had been nipping at the bottle! Over the last year there has been a marked decrease in feeling and function in my hands. I have a lot of trouble even picking up a pill. Eleven years ago I broke my back in an accident and have a partial spinal cord injury, so even on the best days I only have 20% nerve function from the waist down. The doctor could not rule out that the injury sort of made me more vulnerable to something like TM. One thingĀŠ I have read in these messages people talking about "banding" and it seems they know where on the spinal cord the damage is. What is banding? I never asked my doctor about where I am most damaged but I am not sure it would make any difference to me if I did know. I also know I am older than most (57) to be diagnosed for the first time. I've had a couple of messages from Gunny. And I read about his friend who said "It's about ability, not disability." Actually, I have never thought of myself as disabled. I just have some health issues which means I must do things a bit differently than others. But so far it has not been a big deal. I am just stubborn enough to refuse to let it get to me.

Rev. Craig Crossman


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