> Also I will also have APPLETS running in addition to servlets & JSPson this
> server... So if I create a JAVA2 APPLET that WILL require a user download,
> right? Right.

Fine.  What has that got to do with Tomcat or the JVM you are installing
on your server?  Nothing.  Right?  Right.

> If you read carefully I asked "Which jvm works BEST" The Best. BEST. Ok one
> more time " THE BEST" I Tomcat supports ALL JVMs, I'm asking if people have
> preferences based off experience.

Best for what.  FOR WHAT?  Ever hear of requirements?  Right?  Right.

> Hey 'Charles' I think you should try to learn how not to be a prick while
> answering people questions.  Ass.

OK.  Tomorrow I will be nicer.  I doubt that you will be any smarter.

-- Charles

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