Franklin Phan wrote:

I have found the solution.

Cool. :-)

What threw me off in the first place was the poor API documentation for HttpSessionBindingListener interface. It says for valueUnbound: "Notifies the object that it is being unbound from a session and identifies the session."

It gave me the impression that the method itself notifies the object (which is the object that contains the implementation of HttpSessionBindingListener itself) and provides a reference to the session.

The API documentation for that method should have said something like:

"This method is called *upon receiving notification* that this object is being unbound from the *invalidated* session."

Erm, yeah, the docs are sometimes a bit opaque.

Still, though, what is a "global listener approach"?

I was just making a distinction between having a single Context-wide
process (listener) doing session-unbound tasks versus each /session/
having a bound object implementing HttpSessionBindingListener doing
its own.

It's the difference between Mom cleaning up after everyone, or all
the kids cleaning their own rooms :-)

Hassan Schroeder ----------------------------- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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