I think tomcatbook "must" be a sub project of tomcat.
Like it or not, we have to overdrive tomcat expert for
tomcat development it-self.

I think. 
Tomcat=good software, 
Tomcat book=good project, 
Tomcat with easy to used  documentation and a lot of
project=better software.

Don't think like this. 
1. Because apache tomcat is from SUN, so all the
commiter have to be don't care of this stuff.
2. Free is different with commercial, because we work
in part time and hobbyst

Remember good project with bad documentation is not a
good project. if the software is not as easy as
possible, it is not a easy to used software. This is
why microsoft is popular. try their way, see Microsoft

Easy will overdrive of popularity. 

I write this because I care of tomcat project.

I worked from one of the big consulting firm last
year, and I did several converstaion with my eBusiness

"opensource never go to enterprise, even Linux, even
several company try to support it like IBM" if  no
good suppoer, and that software is not as easy as

Esp for Open Source project, is there a training
center for Open Source, yah.. only Red Hat, is it
cheap??? for me.. 1 training in Red Hat = 1 year
food.. and it is still SUCK training.

I think you all have to change the role.

Oh yah, I am one of the most SUCK but make me life
better. It is called Oracle Application (#2 ERP
software in the world). They sell great software
because there is very complex and thousand bugs
there...and every module 1000 pages, but All the
consultants always say it is not detail enough. Still
SUCK software. SUCK because we pay the maintenance for
patch of the bugs.

This is make Open Source popular, less bug, but where
is the documentation. 



--- Dmitri Colebatch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I believe there is a project (yes there is, I
> thought I'd check before 
> sending this) called tomcatbook at sourceforge 
> (http://tomcatbook.sourceforge.net).  Perhaps that
> would be a good place to 
> a) look for advanced answers, and b) suggest
> questions.
> cheers
> dim
> On Fri, 29 Jun 2001 00:29, you wrote:
> > >.As far as I understand it, there is nothing to
> stop a user from adding
> > >documentation
> > >to the tomcat project themselves. I'm amazed at
> how good the documentation
> > >is
> > >seeing as how no one was paid to do it.
> >
> >     Not to get into a great big argument over OS
> version commercial
> > products, but if OS projects expect to be taken
> with the same consideration
> > as commercial they have to accept to be compared
> across the board. This
> > includes documentation. You can't just pick and
> choose the battles you want
> > to fight. For the most part, the documentation in
> OS projects just plain
> > sucks, if it even exists. Believe it or not this
> is one of the reasons OS
> > is often frowned upon. Look at Microsoft, sure its
> close source, people may
> > think it sucks, blah blah blah, but do you have
> idea how much information
> > is on MSDN?
> >     The lack of documentation available goes against
> some very basic
> > rules of Software Engineering. In the real world
> does this really matter? I
> > dunno, but often times packaging and presentation,
> and a finished looka nd
> > feel are the key to getting in the door and this
> is where most OS projects
> > fail miserably.
> >     Because its free might be the reason the
> documentation sucks, it
> > shouldn't be a justification. (not that i'm saying
> tomcat sucks, just
> > argueing the point).

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