I can warmly recommend it, especially since trac is nearly
useless without the QA workflow.

I personally do *not* want a workflow, so I don't think you may say
"useless". It surely does not fit your needs, but every team have
different needs and expectations. I think the workflow will be a nice
feature when it is merged into the trunk, but I will not use it.


Allright, since my disclaimer had no effect, I might as well explain myself before the flame wars start. ;)

There are two main reasons why the workflow is so important:
 1. team work
 2. quality assurance

When the development team works with other teams (support, sales etc), it becomes a requirement that the issuer of the ticket can follow the ticket all the way to the grave. To avoid misunderstandings and wasted time that follows, the ticket's state must be known at all times. Which release does it belong to? Is it finished? Can I test it? These are important questions that trac can answer. But not without the distinction between verified and closed. We need a state that the issuer controls. The close state. Once closed the ticket disappears from all the standard reports and no longer confuses the trac user.

The team leader will also need to know if a ticket is 'just' fixed or really tested in the designated test environment. There is a huge difference between 'it works on my machine' and 'it is sure to work in production environment'. This is why there needs to be a distinction between fixed and verified.

That said, there are a lot of setups that are too small to accommodate a full QA and team interaction setup. In these cases the workflow may seem too cumbersome. The questions is how small a company is too small? I started using cvstrac when we were about 3 or 4 developers. cvstrac has had this feature from the beginning. We benefitted enourmously and we all agreed that we should have had a tool like that all time. We still do. :)

trac is VERY VERY strong. It is undoubtedly a fantastic tool. The integration between tickets, repository and wiki is unbeatable. Nicely done guys! Keep up the good work! (I hope any misunderstanding regarding my position is sorted out now).

Philip Bergen

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